Comparing price and non-price approaches to urban water conservation
2014 and 2009 studies from U.C. Riverside, Yale and the Harvard Kennedy School on the relative merits of policies to encourage efficient use of scarce water resources.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topic of politics, elections, and local and national governments
2014 and 2009 studies from U.C. Riverside, Yale and the Harvard Kennedy School on the relative merits of policies to encourage efficient use of scarce water resources.
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2015 research brief on the nature of civic undertakings such as housing advocacy and youth service networks, by Paul Lichterman of the University of Southern California and the Scholars Strategy Network.
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2015 report from the Pew Research Center based on the first national survey testing responses to government openness projects and measuring public perceptions.
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April 2015 report from Harvard’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, “Decoding the Iran Nuclear Deal: Key Questions, Points of Divergence, Pros and Cons, Pending Legislation and Essential Facts.”
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2015 study from Harvard showing how removing a large racial minority population from proximity with a nearby white group can produce different voting patterns and outcomes.
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2015 roundup of research on recent technological advances that could enable wider adoption of electrical vehicles powered by sustainable energy sources.
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2015 research brief from Harvard University researchers outlining the different groups and networks that advance liberal and conservative policy agendas at the state level and analyzing the effectiveness of this party infrastructure.
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Federal databases that can provide insight into reporting on local affairs, including hospital outcomes, public schools’ disciplinary practices, local farms and firearms dealers.
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2015 working paper from Harvard University Law School on the expanded corporate use of the First Amendment over time, based on a statistical analysis of 423 cases.
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2015 research brief on voter participation in presidential elections from 1972 to 2008, by Jan Leighley of American University and Jonathan Nagler of New York University, and the Scholars Strategy Network.
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