Daycare and early childhood education in the United States: Research roundup
2015 review of research literature relating to daycare issues, as well as relevant studies and other data sources on early childhood education in the United States.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topic of education
2015 review of research literature relating to daycare issues, as well as relevant studies and other data sources on early childhood education in the United States.
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2014 research in American Journal of Public Health analyzing pooled data on sexual orientation and suicide-related outcomes, specifically those relating to ideation, planning, and attempts.
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2014 study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on China’s increasing investments in education, science, engineering and technology.
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2012 study by Boston University for the National Bureau of Economic Research on diminishing returns for students who attend for-profit education programs.
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2014 research brief by Patricia Burch, University of Southern California; Annalee Good, University of Wisconsin-Madison; and Carolyn J. Heinrich and Chandi Wanger, U.T. Austin.
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2014 study published in the American Educational Research Journal exploring the factors associated with racial disparities in school discipline.
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2014 review of research and data on the continuing inequities in per-pupil public-school spending across the United States, and the impact of court rulings and reform efforts.
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2014 paper from Harvard and Brown showing how richer teacher-to-parent messages can improve student outcomes, including increased course credits and lower dropout rates.
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2014 review of studies on issues related to youth behavior and safety, including delinquency rates, suspensions, zero-tolerance policies and their effects, after-school programs and curfews.
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2014 research from Vanderbilt University and Florida State University study published in Research in Higher Education on student outcomes at minority-serving institutions.
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