Postindustrial cities and explanations of order‑maintenance policing
2013 study from the University of Kansas on the law enforcement practices of “new economy” cities that promote “creative class” pursuits and cultural tourism.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topics of race and gender
2013 study from the University of Kansas on the law enforcement practices of “new economy” cities that promote “creative class” pursuits and cultural tourism.
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2011 study from the United States Census Bureau and New York University’s Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy on gentrification and displacement.
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Bureau of Labor 2013 report on women’s earnings in the United States, based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey.
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2013 study by Claremont Graduate University and University of California-Riverside on the role of language in framing immigration policy.
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2013 review of academic scholarship and government research on women, work and work/life balance.
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2013 paper from U.T. Austin and Cornell University in Social Forces comparing the retention of women working in STEM-related fields to those in non-STEM work.
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2013 working paper for the National Bureau of Economic Research on the relationship between family planning access and long-term economic outcomes.
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2012 study published in the journal Sociology on the relationship between occupational segregation by gender and the extent of gender inequality.
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2013 study from Syracuse and Georgetown University in Social Science Research on how single parenthood can affects children’s life outcomes.
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2012 report from the Public Religion Research Institute on the cultural and political beliefs of white working-class Americans.
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