Jim Crow and premature mortality among African-Americans
2014 study in Epidemiology examining the effects of the state- and county-level racial segregation laws known as Jim Crow on the overall health in the U.S. black population.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topics of race and gender
2014 study in Epidemiology examining the effects of the state- and county-level racial segregation laws known as Jim Crow on the overall health in the U.S. black population.
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2014 study in the American Sociological Review looks at the effects of a program that shifts control over the work schedule from managers to employees.
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2014 roundup of academic and governmental research and statistics on girls’ education in Nigeria and other nations in Sub-Saharan Africa.
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2014 study in the American Sociological Review that demonstrates how a culture of overwork has perpetuated the U.S. gender wage gap.
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2013 review of studies that shed light on school segregation and demographic change more than a half-century after Brown vs. the Board of Education.
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2013 report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics and the National Research Council on ways to improve the accuracy of surveys on the incidence of rape and sexual assault.
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2014 research brief on efforts to restore voting rights to former felons, by Michael Leo Owens of Emory University and the Scholars Strategy Network.
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2014 study in Social Work Research on the varying rates of re-offending based on the punishment given to youths for criminal behavior.
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2014 review of scholarship in Cambridge Journal of Economics on whether or not having more women in leadership roles can help eliminate risky firm behavior.
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2014 research brief from the University of Minnesota outlining new scholarly findings about the U.S. prison systems and its consequences.
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