Pew Research: Twitter reaction to events often at odds with overall public opinion
2013 report from the Pew Research Center demonstrating how discussions on Twitter often do not reflect more general national sentiment.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topic of politics, elections, and local and national governments
2013 report from the Pew Research Center demonstrating how discussions on Twitter often do not reflect more general national sentiment.
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2012-13 review of 10 new interesting studies in the realm of digital media, social media and communications. A cross-post with Nieman Journalism Lab.
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Review of recent studies in digital-oriented academic disciplines, including journalism, social media and communications. A cross-post with Nieman Journalism Lab.
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2008 study in Landscaping and Urban Planning on the effect of crime levels and park proximity on property values in Baltimore, Maryland.
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2011 study by the NTSB of data from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration as well as interviews, compliance reviews and inspections.
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2012 Congressional Research Service report on budget cuts in 2013 mandated under the Budget Control Act, should no deficit reduction deal be reached.
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2011 study from CUNY and Germany’s Institute for the Study of Labor on the limited effects of drone aerial strikes on Taliban fighters in Afghanistan-Pakistan.
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2013 study in The Journal of Politics on the idea that there is a universally successful strategy for political messages that attempt to rebut contrary claims.
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Interview with George Washington University scholar John Sides about academic research and the 2012 presidential election.
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2012 paper from Harvard on how restrictive zoning across the U.S. had decreased labor mobility and stalled progress toward diminishing income inequality.
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