Technology and collective action: Cell phones and violence in Africa
2013 study in American Political Science Review on the association between increased cell phone availability and usage and the capacity for violent conflict.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topic of politics, elections, and local and national governments
2013 study in American Political Science Review on the association between increased cell phone availability and usage and the capacity for violent conflict.
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2013 study in Psychological Science showing how forcing people to confront their own ignorance can moderate their political views.
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2013 study from Cornell examining how increased trade with China results in partner countries altering their foreign policy positions in favor of China.
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2013 study from Silicon Graphics International (SGI), the University of Illinois, and social media data vendor GNIP on geography and Twitter use.
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2013 report from Harvard Business School examining findings from industry and the general public regarding the overall mood toward America’s ability to compete economically.
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May 2013 collection of interesting nine new studies/reports in the realms of social and news media, global technology and more.
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2013 selection of recent research on the effects of climate change on the built environment and how individuals and communities can best adapt.
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2012 study from Columbia and Simon Fraser University on the relationship between crime rates and immigration status, poverty, employment and education.
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2010 study by Monash University, Australia, that sought to better understand cyclists’ risk factors by equipping them with helmet-mounted cameras.
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2008 University of Pennsylvania study published in Real Estate Economics on the relationship between curbside tree plantings and property-value changes.
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