Do term limits encourage legislators to ignore constituents? Research brief
2013 research overview on the effects of term limits on the positions that politicians take, by Jennifer Hayes Clark and Robert Lucas Williams, University of Houston.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topic of politics, elections, and local and national governments
2013 research overview on the effects of term limits on the positions that politicians take, by Jennifer Hayes Clark and Robert Lucas Williams, University of Houston.
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2014 study by American University and Columbia on the factors influencing public opinion on research, including partisanship, ideology, education and attitudes toward science.
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2013 study in First Monday on how public libraries are increasingly playing a role, largely unfunded, in helping citizens navigate government services.
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2013 study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on how the introduction of bullet trains is associated with rising real-estate prices in China’s secondary cities.
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2014 study in The International Journal of Press/Politics on how smaller NGOs tend to struggle to communicate on the Internet.
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2014 review of research and data on gender and African women, including four new papers in the Journal of African Economies.
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2014 study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) exploring the potential of urban adaptation strategies to counteract the effects of long-term global climate change.
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Updated in 2014, this review of literature on the effectiveness of surveillance cameras against crime includes a 2009 meta-analysis by Northeastern and the University of Cambridge.
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December 2013 study in International Studies Quarterly with a new view on the persistence of American power, supported by new data analysis.
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2014 study by the WZB Berlin Social Science Center on attitudes towards Muslims and headscarf legislation in Western Europe.
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