Internet harassment and online threats targeting women: Research review
2015 review of studies and papers on issues relating to gender and online sexual harassment, as well as hate speech and threats targeting women and girls.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topic of criminal justice
2015 review of studies and papers on issues relating to gender and online sexual harassment, as well as hate speech and threats targeting women and girls.
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2015 review of research and data that speak to issues of hate crimes motivated by bias, with a focus on definitional issues in the United States and patterns abroad.
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2015 roundup of research and analyses on corruption in sports, with a focus on soccer and the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA).
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2014 study published in Journal of Economic Geography using data on dealers with Federal Firearms Licenses to sell small arms (FFLs) to understand the flow of arms across America’s southern border.
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2015 research brief on the experiences of boys and girls who have had incarcerated parents compared to those who had not, by Allison Dwyer Emory of Cornell University.
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2015 study in the American Law and Economics Review examining the relationship between the intensity of media coverage in courts and the monetary awards of cases in the state systems.
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One year after the Boston Marathon bombing, we round up a selection of research-based papers and reports that, cumulatively, help consolidate the “lessons learned.”
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April 2015 report from Harvard’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, “Decoding the Iran Nuclear Deal: Key Questions, Points of Divergence, Pros and Cons, Pending Legislation and Essential Facts.”
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2011 report by the National Institute of Justice on the effectiveness and safety of Tasers and other conducted energy devices.
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2015 report from the Congressional Research Service detailing key issues relating to virtual currencies, related trends and unanswered questions.
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