How they did it: A reporting team led by Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and ProPublica exposes dangerous defect in popular breathing machine
The reporters share 11 tips for covering science and the medical device industry.
The reporters share 11 tips for covering science and the medical device industry.
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STAT reporters Bob Herman and Casey Ross share eight reporting tips based on their four-part investigative series, which revealed that health insurance companies used a flawed computer algorithm and secret internal rules to improperly deny or limit rehab care for seriously ill older and disabled patients.
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Despite the hype, optimism and legislation involving the therapeutic potential of psychedelics, researchers warn that there’s much we don’t know. This research roundup looks at some of the knowns and unknowns of psilocybin, MDMA and other hallucinogens.
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Voters with disabilities face a range of barriers, while compliance with disability access laws at polling sites is under-enforced.
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Under a federal law, hospital emergency departments must provide appropriate emergency medical treatment to any patients who need it. But now the U.S. Supreme Court is considering a case that questions the law’s precedence over state-level abortion bans.
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Hope is complex, but as we embark on a challenging year of news, it’s important for journalists to learn about it. We’ve gathered several studies below to help you think more deeply about hope and recognize its role in our everyday lives.
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Holidays are a time for celebration, but also a source of injuries. Several research studies examine both common and uncommon types and sources of seasonal holiday injuries, which usually peak on the week after Thanksgiving and continue until the end of the year.
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Silicosis is an ancient job-related lung disease affecting construction workers and miners who come in contact with silica dust. But in recent decades, it also has been affecting younger workers who fabricate artificial stone, which is used for countertops and has a high silica concentration.
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Climate reports like the Lancet Countdown are large documents, laden with data, and can be difficult to summarize in one news story. But local journalists can look for specific issues that apply to their communities to produce stories that resonate with their audiences.
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A recent study finds that sample size is the only factor having a robust influence on 181 science journalists’ ratings of the trustworthiness and newsworthiness of a study. But they note that, overall, these journalists are doing a ‘very decent job’ vetting research. Here’s how they do it.
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