Lead in drinking water: Key facts and reporting tips
For reporters new to the topic, journalist Anna Clark cleared up some common misconceptions about lead in drinking water.
Research roundups, articles, explainers and tip sheets on the subject of water.
For reporters new to the topic, journalist Anna Clark cleared up some common misconceptions about lead in drinking water.
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When we flush, Prozac, cocaine and antibiotics trickle into the ecosystem. Researchers are just beginning to understand their effects.
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The EPA declined, after years of review, to ban the common insecticide chlorpyrifos in March 2017. We outline the controversy and the evidence it hurts developing brains.
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Updated roundup of research on climate-change risks and the regions and groups most threatened by them, attempts to mitigate these risks, and adaptive efforts for coastal regions.
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2016 roundup of research on the health effects of putting fluoride in public water systems as well as a primer to help journalists avoid “he said, she said” reporting on the issue.
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2015 study from the University of Iowa published in Nature Climate Change examining long-term trends in the frequency and intensity of flood events in the central United States.
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2015 study from the U.S. Geological Survey examining trends in pesticide traces found in waterways across the country and effects on aquatic life and human health.
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2014 and 2009 studies from U.C. Riverside, Yale and the Harvard Kennedy School on the relative merits of policies to encourage efficient use of scarce water resources.
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2014 study from Cornell, the University of Arizona and the U.S. Geological Survey on the risk of multi-decade droughts in the context of ongoing climate change.
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2014 review of scientific literature on potential health and environmental effects of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” to extract natural gas and shale oil.
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