Census Bureau graphic: Recession and median income
2011 Census Bureau report updating figures on American households through 2010, including income, poverty and health.
2011 Census Bureau report updating figures on American households through 2010, including income, poverty and health.
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2010 study in the American Economic Review on the direct consequences of post-World War II shifts in tax policy and their subsequent fiscal shocks.
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2011 report from the Urban Land Institute and Ernst & Young exploring the nation’s current state of infrastructure repair, initiatives in process, and ongoing challenges.
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2011 study for Princeton University’s Center for Economic Policy Studies on unemployed workers, job search practices and wage expectations.
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2010 report by the United States Office of Management and Budget on the financial costs and benefits of government regulations on the economy.
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Papers and reports on emerging issues relating to technology and telecommunications, monopoly, and legal intervention
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2011 paper by the Research Institute of Industrial Economics on the observed correlations between the size of government and lowered economic growth rates
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2011 study by the World Bank on how the global economic crisis that took place from 2008 to 2009 has impacted the multilateral trading system.
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Five top places to find stories about small and private businesses, which make up more than 98% of all U.S. firms
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