Reporting on hot-button topics as a science writer: Lessons from abortion coverage
We share a video recording, resources, and tips from a recent CASW Connector Chat with an NPR reporter and a social scientist who studies abortion news coverage.
We share a video recording, resources, and tips from a recent CASW Connector Chat with an NPR reporter and a social scientist who studies abortion news coverage.
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With abortion-related measures on the ballot in several states, journalistic coverage of the topic has never been more crucial. This piece aims to help inform the narrative on medication abortion with scientific evidence.
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Under a federal law, hospital emergency departments must provide appropriate emergency medical treatment to any patients who need it. But now the U.S. Supreme Court is considering a case that questions the law’s precedence over state-level abortion bans.
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The surge in searches highlights the importance of providing women with information on where they can legally and safely obtain abortion medications, including telemedicine consultations with health care professionals, note the authors of a new study.
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An influential study finds that legalized abortion following Roe v. Wade accounts for a large portion of the decline in U.S. crime rates since the 1990s. But some economists are not convinced.
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As we wind down 2019, Journalist’s Resource is counting down our 10 most-read research roundups and articles of the year.
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Crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) are pro-life organizations that often offer women incorrect, incomplete or misleading information about their reproductive options. This explainer delves into the information these centers promote.
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A collection of research and resources to help journalists understand the impact of the Mexico City Policy, which forbids organizations from using U.S. foreign aid to promote or educate people about abortion.
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2016 study published in Demography that looks at whether women in Nepal use abortion and modern contraceptives interchangeably.
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