Obama’s tax hikes may have boosted the economy: New research
…tax rate. This “income retiming” was larger for capital gains than for employment income. (The top 1 percent of income share jumped 3.2 percent in 2012, the largest spike since…
…tax rate. This “income retiming” was larger for capital gains than for employment income. (The top 1 percent of income share jumped 3.2 percent in 2012, the largest spike since…
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…employment, capital, and R&D spending.” It does not appear that firms change their specialization in response to foreign competition. That is, in response to Chinese competition, “innovating their way out”…
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…working age as well as employment and income among those with disabilities. HIV/AIDS Surveillance Data Base: “is a compilation of information from widely scattered small-scale surveys on HIV infection and…
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…employment in the U.S. According to a 2015 review by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), a non-partisan government office that provides research for lawmakers, NAFTA “did not cause the huge…
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…welfare of different types of workers, firms and consumers.” By restricting immigration in their model to 1994 levels, they look at how wages, employment and output would have changed over…
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…data on household income and employment status. Related research: A 2016 study published in JAMA, “The Association between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States, 2001-2014,” estimates there is…
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…employees leave the government for employment in the private sector or the government hires former private sector employees for government jobs”). OpenSecrets Government bodies make a lot of lobbying records…
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…includes data on employment prior to incarceration, prison jobs and educational attainment in prison. The report also presents results from assessments of prisoners’ cognitive skills in areas such as reading…
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…personal success.” A 2016 study in Social Problems, “Housing and Employment Insecurity among the Working Poor,” finds that workers who have been forced out of their homes are more likely…
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…not negatively impact overall employment figures – i.e., contrary to some claims, they do not kill jobs. We have profiled research on the public health impacts of coal-fired power plants…
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