How cities may benefit from dog parks
…provide a place for owners to get information about local veterinarians, groomers and pet stores as well as referrals related to housing and employment. Some owners have shared resources such…
…provide a place for owners to get information about local veterinarians, groomers and pet stores as well as referrals related to housing and employment. Some owners have shared resources such…
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…identified needs of homeless, sexual minority youth were related to housing and support and acceptance of their sexual or gender identity as well as employment and healthcare. Nearly 1 in…
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…capacities, play a significant role in most of the key programs like unemployment insurance and cash assistance for poor families. In recent decades, policy shifts ranging from welfare reforms to…
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…of revenue. Proponents of the industry claim these businesses will enhance local government revenues via casino fees and taxes. In addition, this industry is also seen as a way to improve employment and draw in…
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…study that contains demographic, employment and income data from representative samples of adults in the U.S. The sample for this time period consists of 22,071 individuals who were 18-65 years…
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…impact on either employment or personal income in the cities where the teams play. An examination of a subset of 42 smaller college towns finds that winning seasons actually reduce…
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…impacted respondents’ education, employment, health, and participation in public life. This paper concludes with a discussion of how public policy and public administration can begin to address these problems by…
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…the hurricane’s long-term economic impact on its victims. Katrina had large and persistent impacts on where people live; small and mostly transitory impacts on wage income, employment, total income, and…
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…Class, Job Stress, and Job Satisfaction Among Muslim American Women” Ali, Saba Rasheed; Yamada, Torricia; Mahmood, Amina. Journal of Employment Counseling, December 2015. doi: 10.1002/joec.12020. Abstract: “Religious discrimination in the…
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…have been shown to increase members’ wages. As a result, firms with large union membership among their workers have less money available to hire new workers, possibly increasing unemployment. Thus,…
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