Assessing the impact of training on lowland rice productivity in an African setting: Evidence from Uganda
2012 study in World Development on the transfer of Asian agricultural practices to Africa, and the outcomes of a pilot program.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topic of politics, elections, and local and national governments
2012 study in World Development on the transfer of Asian agricultural practices to Africa, and the outcomes of a pilot program.
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2013 paper in the World Bank Research Observer that estimates, under an optimistic scenario, a billion people could be lifted out of extreme poverty by 2027.
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March 2013 review of the latest studies in the areas of journalism, digital media and communications, cross-posted at the Nieman Journalism Lab.
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2013 study in Journalism on the converging practices of journalistic and advocacy organizations, as seen through the case of climate change-related coverage.
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2012 study from Vanderbilt University and the University of Missouri on the influence of gender on job satisfaction and turnover in the education public sector.
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2011 study in Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health on the rates of unintended pregnancies for all 50 U.S. states.
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A literature review of studies in the past few years that shed light on issues such as online political polarization.
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2012 report from Harvard on the impact of government housing policies on home-ownership rates of minority individuals and disadvantaged communities.
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2013 study in The World Bank Economic Review on key lessons learned from the 2008 food crisis and the widely divergent regional outcomes and effects.
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2012 review of studies on questions of measuring teacher performance, structuring personnel and compensation plans accordingly, and instructor retention.
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