Long-term educational and economic impacts of increasing access to contraceptives
2013 working paper for the National Bureau of Economic Research on the relationship between family planning access and long-term economic outcomes.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to health, health care and health equity
2013 working paper for the National Bureau of Economic Research on the relationship between family planning access and long-term economic outcomes.
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2012 study in PLoS Medicine on studies, associated press releases and media coverage to understand how accurately the research results were conveyed.
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2013 research on contraception policies and pregnancy rates, including a 2012 study from Washington University in St. Louis on the relationship between free access to birth control and abortion rates.
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2013 review of recent research on U.S. war veterans and emerging problems they face with reintegration into society.
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2013 review of studies that look at the effects of marijuana use on cognitive functioning, as the federal policy debate over legalization continues to grow.
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A 2013 longitudinal study published in the journal Psychological Science examining the long-term effects of childhood bullying on victims and perpetrators.
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2013 review of relevant studies and reports on weather trends and heat waves, examining both technical studies and public health estimates of the impact on mortality rates.
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2013 study from Cornell and Colorado State suggesting that the broader sale of wine among local stores is not associated with greater health risks.
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2013 study from Boston University and Johns Hopkins providing the first available national estimates of youth alcohol brand preference.
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2013 review of scholarly studies that examine the intersection between public opinion and rulings of the Supreme Court.
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