Neighborhood crime linked to premature birth, low birthweights for babies
Living in a crime-prone neighborhood can be stressful. Researchers in Scotland have found a connection between premature births and low birthweights.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topic of criminal justice
Living in a crime-prone neighborhood can be stressful. Researchers in Scotland have found a connection between premature births and low birthweights.
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Boys who ride the bus to school have a greater chance of being bullied than those using other transportation. But girls are generally more likely to be bullied.
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A study in the American Journal of Criminal Justice looks at where registered sex offenders live 15 years after arrest.
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An analysis in The Lancet finds that national implementation of background checks on ammo purchases alone could reduce gun-related deaths by 81 percent.
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2016 study in Political Communication that examines how news photographs can impact public support for military action.
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A primer on the tech issues behind the cyberattacks that have roiled the 2016 presidential campaign.
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2016 study published in Criminology that looks at how perceptions of racial bias in the criminal justice system are affected by neighborhood attitudes and negative interactions with police.
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A 2016 study in American Sociological Review finds that African Americans report crime less after police violence in their communities.
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2016 review of research related to “campus carry,” or the debate about whether colleges should allow individuals with concealed carry permits to bring guns onto school property.
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Overview of recent studies on U.S. immigration issues, including the demographic traits of unauthorized residents and the empirical truths about exclusionary attitudes.
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