Investigating stories on water access, affordability and safety: 5 tips to get started
Tip #1: Remember that families experience water insecurity in the suburbs and rural areas, in addition to cities.
Tip #1: Remember that families experience water insecurity in the suburbs and rural areas, in addition to cities.
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Researchers have begun to explore how a new emphasis on virtual care might exacerbate persistent racial and ethnic disparities in U.S. health care — and, perhaps, help repair them.
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Householders of color in the 50 largest metropolitan areas are 34% more likely to lack what the U.S. Census Bureau calls “complete plumbing” compared with white, non-Hispanic householders, new research finds.
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We highlight five academic studies to help journalists better understand links between race and access to indoor running water.
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With annual expenses running to about $100 billion last year, Medicare Part D is the dominant insurer in the U.S. pharmaceutical market.
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Researchers at Johns Hopkins University delved into racial health disparities during the 1918 influenza pandemic — and what history can teach us about how to approach the current pandemic.
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Via an e-mail interview, we asked Josh Neufeld to discuss the benefits, challenges and processes of practicing comics journalism.
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An accurate decennial census matters because the nation’s population count directs federal funding for hundreds of programs. Where people are and who people are directly informs decisions on the distribution
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In the last of his Election Beat 2020 columns, Thomas E. Patterson argues that the Republican Party is in trouble.
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George Orwell famously wrote, “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” So it is with America’s voters. The outcome of today’s election is in the hands of those voters lucky enough
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