The journalistic method: Five principles for blending analysis and narrative
Columbia Journalism School’s Nicholas Lemann explains a series of rules that can help journalists successfully integrate research and reporting.
Columbia Journalism School’s Nicholas Lemann explains a series of rules that can help journalists successfully integrate research and reporting.
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2016 tip sheet on using visualization software and applications to create charts, maps and other visual or interactive storytelling elements.
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Overview of how to write stories about the markets, including stocks, bonds and more
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2016 tip sheet explaining several online tools that journalists can use to analyze Web traffic and social media patterns, including patterns related to popular search terms, hashtags and URLs.
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2015 and 2011 papers in PNAS that highlight dynamics within crowdsourcing projects and provide notes of caution around factors that can produce weaker or even flawed results.
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Ten linking “best practices,” with an emphasis on stability and transparency. The goal is to reduce the chance that links will go bad, minimize the work going forward and maximize the utility for users.
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Tutorial on how to use the programming language Python to scrape website data from a local county prison roster. The exercise highlights website source code and data structures.
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2015 roundup of studies and related news articles that provide material for studying and improving techniques and approaches to writing about research.
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From “sample” to “confounding variables,” a compilation of useful statistical concepts with which journalism students and working journalists should be familiar.
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2015 Overview of tools that can help journalists assess the reliability of materials generated by users and diffused through social media
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