Embedding Trump’s tweets into news stories could boost his voter support, study finds
When journalists embed President Donald Trump’s tweets into news stories, they could unknowingly help him gain voter support, a new paper finds.
When journalists embed President Donald Trump’s tweets into news stories, they could unknowingly help him gain voter support, a new paper finds.
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Experts told us if journalists do these 10 things they will improve their coverage of new coronavirus research based on epidemiological models.
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We spotlight seven research studies published in 2019 that examine fake news from multiple angles, including what makes fact-checking most effective.
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A first-of-its-kind study from researchers at the University of Alabama’s new Veterans and Media Lab offers new insights into how news photos portray veterans.
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Joel Abrams, an expert in online content strategy who manages media outreach for The Conversation US, offers nine quick tips for getting people to share or republish your articles, videos and other content online.
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New research forthcoming in Computers in Human Behavior offers insights into how Russia’s elections-interference operation played out on Twitter.
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In this piece we wrote for Nieman Lab, we spotlight five studies on topics such as how Twitter affects journalists’ news judgment and how often we remember where we read a news story.
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There’s a clear link between the accounts journalists follow on Twitter and the partisanship of their work, finds a new study from researchers at Northeastern University and the University at Buffalo.
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We spotlight six of the most interesting studies of the second quarter of 2018. They examine topics such as native videos, Twitter echo chambers and anecdotes in data journalism.
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Privacy engineer Dipayan Ghosh offers tips to help journalists improve their coverage of data security and privacy issues, including the GDPR.
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