What’s standard deviation? 4 things journalists need to know
Not sure what ‘standard deviation’ is or why it matters in academic research? We outline four key things journalists need to know about this common measure.
Not sure what ‘standard deviation’ is or why it matters in academic research? We outline four key things journalists need to know about this common measure.
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Statistical significance is a highly technical, nuanced mathematical concept. Journalists who cover academic research should have a basic understanding of what it represents and the controversy surrounding it.
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Researchers urge newsrooms to present scientific errors and academic journal retractions as part of science’s self-correction process.
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Five tips for understanding and interpreting effect size — a measure of the strength of an association between two variables.
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In this Q&A, media scholar John Wihbey explains what journalists and newsrooms can learn from his new book, The Social Fact: News and Knowledge in a Networked World.
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The staff of Journalist’s Resource offers advice on how to find, understand and use academic research to ground a story and fact-check claims.
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