Mental health issues among immigrants: New research
New research on immigrant health from the American Public Health Association’s 2018 annual meeting.
Tip sheets, research roundups, articles and explainers to inform journalistic coverage of immigration issues
New research on immigrant health from the American Public Health Association’s 2018 annual meeting.
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Tips for reporting on the Latino immigrant community and mental health issues from award-winning journalist Maria Hinojosa.
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Tips on how to balance immigration stories with opposing viewpoints responsibly.
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Angilee Shah, senior editor for Global Nation, the immigration vertical for Public Radio International, spoke with Journalist’s Resource about what journalists can get wrong when covering immigration, and how they can hone their approach.
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Enrollment in SNAP and the Affordable Care Act declined among Hispanic citizens of the United States after the Secure Communities program took effect.
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Immigrants to the United States who are not citizens are more likely to have worse oral health compared to natives and naturalized citizens.
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Research that documents the perils women face on the migrant trail.
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Hate speech is not hard to find in 2017. Such verbal violence begets hate and prejudice, a new study finds.
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Some immigrant groups in the U.S. seem to be more successful than others. A new paper looks at how country of origin correlates with measures of personal success.
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A new paper examines “victimization by proxy” and finds European-born Muslims more likely than their immigrant parents to endorse radical ideology or violence.
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