Facebook, private traits and attributes: Predictions from digital records of human behavior
2013 study from the University of Cambridge (U.K.) and Microsoft Research published in PNAS on Facebook data and privacy.
2013 study from the University of Cambridge (U.K.) and Microsoft Research published in PNAS on Facebook data and privacy.
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A literature review of studies in the past few years that shed light on issues such as online political polarization.
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2012-13 review of 10 new interesting studies in the realm of digital media, social media and communications. A cross-post with Nieman Journalism Lab.
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Review of recent studies in digital-oriented academic disciplines, including journalism, social media and communications. A cross-post with Nieman Journalism Lab.
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2013 study from the University of California, San Diego, the University of Scranton and the University of Warwick (UK) published in Memory and Cognition on how microblog content is read and remembered.
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2012 report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project on levels of Facebook participation.
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2013 survey from the Pew Internet and American Life Project on Facebook user practices.
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2012 study in the Journal of Adolescent Research on the relationship between having a negative online experience and use of privacy settings.
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2012 survey by the Pew Research Center’s Global Attitude Project on the use of social networking and mobile phones in 21 countries around the world.
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2012 study from Carnegie Mellon University published in Social Psychological and Personality Science on user-controlled privacy settings online.
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