Do recessions make career criminals?
The state of the economy when someone leaves school can impact whether he finds a job or starts a life of crime, a new paper finds.
The state of the economy when someone leaves school can impact whether he finds a job or starts a life of crime, a new paper finds.
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A new study offers insights on how states can assist mobile home residents who face eviction, but notes that even helpful policies can have unintended consequences.
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This tip sheet offers basic tips and resources for journalists writing about property taxes.
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Peel away at almost any story – from unrest in Venezuela to milk deliveries in Vermont – and eventually you’ll find a tale about oil. This explainer includes resources for reporters new to the global oil beat.
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While debates about financial inequality generally focus on individual earnings and wealth, a new study suggests the value of health insurance is a crucial factor affecting the distribution of income in the United States.
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Drafting the federal budget is one of an American president’s most influential undertakings. But two-thirds of spending is set before the process even begins. We explain.
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Depending whom you ask, America’s debt is either a national crisis or a clever way the world’s richest country takes advantage of its global economic dominance. We explain.
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A new study suggests the proportion of government employees who were black or white and spoke only English fell after a major U.S. city adopted a bilingual employment policy.
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A new study suggests Americans are less likely to support a tax on the wealthy after seeing a poor person in an affluent setting.
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When New York is enveloped in pollution, the stock market loses value and sends a negative signal to global markets, a recent paper finds.
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