Iran sanctions: Congressional Research Service report
…allow some direct business transactions with Iran, including the sale of commercial airplane parts, as well as some food and medical products. Moreover, the “U.S. trade ban does not bar…
…allow some direct business transactions with Iran, including the sale of commercial airplane parts, as well as some food and medical products. Moreover, the “U.S. trade ban does not bar…
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…Medicaid covers an estimated 28% of these youth; the cost of their coverage is approximately $16 billion. Annually, an opportunity youth receives at least $360 more in housing assistance, food…
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…food services. “Growth in immigration appears to have reduced youth employment-population ratios over the past few decades, although other factors surely played a role,” the researcher writes. “In particular, teen…
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…currency, spurring inflation. The Ministry of the Economy estimated that, by the end of 2011, prices for basic food items had increased by up to 37%, hurting the poor in…
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…newly admitted refugees. Unless they are granted full U.S. citizenship, refugees are only eligible for social welfare benefits such as food stamps and Medicaid for between five and seven years….
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…the World Economy and the International Food Policy Research Institute, construct six economic models — each with different levels of investment in infrastructure in rural and urban areas — to…
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…Sacramento Bee “The Unpersuaded: Who Listens to a President?” The New Yorker “Whole Food Blues: Why Organic Agriculture May Not Be So Sustainable,” Time Studies can also be used to…
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…and soil organic matter increase with plant richness.” “[The] loss of higher consumers can cascade through a food web to influence plant biomass. Loss of one or a few top…
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…care services. In addition, patients receiving home-based care and/or food support services showed greater improvements in selected health-related QOL indicators. This report discusses the feasibility of effective ART in a…
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…of food supplies. Such developments bring individuals’ own narratives to the fore in the mobilization process, often requiring organizations to be more flexible in their definitions of issues. This personalization…
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