Unaccompanied migrant children in the United States: Research roundup
…an origin country secures employment in the United States. Yet having an employed parent in the United States may easily make a child in an origin country more susceptible to…
…an origin country secures employment in the United States. Yet having an employed parent in the United States may easily make a child in an origin country more susceptible to…
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…and research of all kinds. Human societies are in constant flux, of course, with characteristics such as age, family size, education and employment shifting with the passage of time. For…
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…group also experienced an increase in unemployment rates just before the 2007-2009 recession. During this period, the unemployment rate for those 65 to 69 rose from 3.3% in 2007 to…
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…protections for civil liberties and due process. Virtually all of the laws lack key ancillary measures needed for successful quarantine, such as prohibiting employment discrimination against individuals in quarantine and…
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…laws may be desirable. During the epidemic spread of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in 2003, governments in Asia and Canada enacted laws to replace wages and prevent discrimination in employment…
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…Voting Rights Act of 1965 transformed the South but had limited impact in the urban North. In northern cities, high wages and stable employment were undermined by deindustrialization and automation,…
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…formats and consider use cases and accessibility; and create more Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that are tailored to the needs of news and information companies. Background From unemployment levels…
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…agency, indicates that in 2013, the unemployment rate for all immigrants was approximately 17.3%, nearly 80% higher than the non-immigrant rate of 9.7%, and descendents of immigrants from Africa have…
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…Slow Lane? The Role of Information and Communications Technology,” focuses on similar issues. A research review, “Computerization, Atomization, Crowdsourcing and the New Economics of Employment,” looks at the impact of…
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…amounts of data, and in 2014 the National Employment Law Project (NELP) took a close look at the types of jobs that were lost during the recession and those that…
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