The end of farm labor abundance in the United States
…economic growth rate in Mexico was on pace to reach 3.4%. In any case, the Labor Department predicts that employment for agriculture workers is expected to decline by 3% between…
…economic growth rate in Mexico was on pace to reach 3.4%. In any case, the Labor Department predicts that employment for agriculture workers is expected to decline by 3% between…
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…with regional employment, but a region’s producing large numbers of graduates can have only a tenuous relationship with its human capital. Other research shows that jobs requiring analytic and social…
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…means to pay for school. Researchers have studied the negative relationship between students’ employment and their level of engagement. However, student work may have some under-appreciated positive effects, as well….
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…products and services, and the viability of the USPS’s business model.” “U.S. Postal Service Workforce Size and Employment Categories, 1990-2010” Ginsberg, Wendy R. Congressional Research Service, April 4, 2011….
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…capital and for high-technology industries. These findings are important for local development policies, as they suggest that to increase local employment levels, municipalities should target high-technology employers with high levels…
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…of humanities degrees with employment benefits of STEM study is to have a second major. A 2012 study from Vanderbilt University’s Curb Center for Art, Enterprise and Public Policy, “Double…
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…levels and the Great Recession, with all the challenges it has created for young people seeking employment, partly explain these skeptical sentiments. Research still shows the significant benefits of a…
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…“These effects were found even when controlling for demographic and employment characteristics, suggesting that ICT use may play a significant role in defining the permeability of work/home boundaries and the…
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…gender gap in STEM employment, the authors argue that increasing national prosperity is not enough. “The implication is that if policy makers decide that changes in these sex differences are…
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…and Management finds that slightly longer prison terms are frequently associated with higher employment prospects for ex-prisoners. A 2011 Vera Institute of Justice report offers findings relating to juveniles and…
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