Women in the Labor Force: A Databook
…historical and contemporary statistics on women’s participation in the labor force between 1970 and 2010, including employment, salaries and more. The report is based on data from the Current Population…
…historical and contemporary statistics on women’s participation in the labor force between 1970 and 2010, including employment, salaries and more. The report is based on data from the Current Population…
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…rose during this period despite declines in both area population and employment rates between 2001-2008. The researchers suggest that these increases were due to more business activity around the casinos…
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…causes of poor working conditions, is required to promote improved labor standards for the millions of workers employed in global supply chain factories.” Tags: human rights, economy, employment, labor unions…
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…“A Gender Reversal on Career Aspirations,” synthesized the results of several surveys on employment statistics and attitudes toward work and quality of life conducted by Pew, Gallup and the U.S….
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…home residents with bedsores increased 5.5%, while the number of patients treated using antipsychotic medications rose 30.5%. At the same time, the use of catheters fell 0.05% and the employment…
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…of demographic shifts: “Through the mid-2030s, population aging caused by the large baby-boom generation entering retirement and lower-birth-rate generations entering employment will be the largest single factor causing costs to…
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…bifurcated system of health insurance based largely on employment with coverage supplied by private insurers. Medicare, a social insurance program, covers the elderly and disabled people; Medicaid, a means-tested welfare…
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…this area has shown “nonpositive effects” on income, employment, sales tax revenues and spending, the study states. (For a critical review of related literature, see the 2007 University of Maryland…
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…that students need to think carefully about the fit between their abilities and interests, the attributes of the school they attend and their career aspirations.” Tags: race, employment, higher education…
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…half (48%) thought they will have more financial success than their parents.” Of all those with full-time employment, the median salary was $28,000; for men the figure was slightly higher,…
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