Disparities faced by boys and men of color in California
2009 RAND Corporation study on the disparities between Latino and African-American males and their white counterparts in California.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topics of race and gender
2009 RAND Corporation study on the disparities between Latino and African-American males and their white counterparts in California.
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2010 paper in the Journal of Economic Perspectives on how the disparity in men’s and women’s math and verbal test scores might be explained by state or regional differences.
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2010 survey by the Pew Hispanic Center on the relative attitudes of foreign- and U.S.-born Hispanics toward the 2010 Census.
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2012 Yale University and Washington University of St. Louis study on the cost-effectiveness of three types of peer-intervention methods.
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2009 Duke University and the University of Maryland study looking at school characteristics that influence the level of crime.
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2006 paper by the Brookings Institution exploring the potential for bias in the structure of metropolitan planning organizations.
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2007 Tomas Rivera Policy Institute paper examining the sources of tension between African-Americans, Latinos and others in South L.A. June, 2007
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2008 University of California, San Francisco, study on the causes behind the high rate of dental care among the state’s Latino children.
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2009 National Bureau of Economic Research paper on the relationship between early exposure to violence and later problems such as substance abuse and delinquency.
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2008 review by the Harvard Family Research Project of available research on the relative benefits and required factors for success of after-school programs.
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