Fathers’ depression and negative parenting behaviors
2011 study from the University of Michigan published in the journal Pediatrics on the link between paternal depression and care for children.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topics of race and gender
2011 study from the University of Michigan published in the journal Pediatrics on the link between paternal depression and care for children.
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2010 study in American Journal of Political Science on barriers to further growth as female legislative ranks increase.
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2009 study by the University of Arizona in the American Journal of Sociology on more fluid work environments and effects on management diversity.
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2009 study by the University of Iowa published in the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion on the attitudes of religious voters toward immigration reform and the role of religious leaders’ positions.
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2009 study in Social Problems journal on how access to employment information differs by ethnicity and sex.
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2010 study by University of Pittsburgh and University of Maryland on outcomes for youth placed in alternate forms of foster care.
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2011 study in the American Journal of Sociology on gender differences and outcomes of housing relocations.
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2010 study by the Inter-American Development Bank on the economic circumstances of new immigrants and the need for insurance safety nets.
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2011 poll by the Washington Post, Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard School of Public Health on Internet usage among Latinos.
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2010 study in American Journal of Political Science on the persistent political gender gap in American politics.
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