Beyond the classroom: Using Title IX to measure the return to high school sports
2010 paper by the University of Michigan for the National Bureau of Economic Research examining the effect in later life of girls’ participation in sports.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topics of race and gender
2010 paper by the University of Michigan for the National Bureau of Economic Research examining the effect in later life of girls’ participation in sports.
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2012 publication by the U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics on women in the workplace, 1979-2010.
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2012 study from the University of Illinois on the relationship between female representation in compensation committees, the presence of female CEOs, and the reduction of gender wage disparities.
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2010 study from the University of Washington published in the American Educational Research Journal on nontraditional college participation and gender.
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2012 study in the Journal of Labor Economics at the University of Chicago on the relationship between youth unemployment and immigration.
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2011 report by the Pew Research Center on attitudes behind the gender gap in undergraduate enrollment and degree attainment.
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2011 study conducted by University of California, Irvine, on the discrepancies between individuals’ reported race at birth and death and the possible role of the cause of death.
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2012 study published in Violence Against Women journal on the effectiveness of sexual-registry laws on preventing sexual assaults and aiding investigations.
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2011 U.S. government report on the ages of Social Security and Disability Insurance applicants over time.
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2011 report from the University of Michigan’s Population Studies Center on how divorce effects women’s health insurance coverage.
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