The trend of class, race and ethnicity in social media inequality
2012 study from University of California, Berkeley, published in Information, Communications & Society analyzing levels of blogging among different racial groups.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topics of race and gender
2012 study from University of California, Berkeley, published in Information, Communications & Society analyzing levels of blogging among different racial groups.
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2009 study from Johns Hopkins University and the University of Maryland on racial disparities in U.S. health care.
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2011 paper by the National Bureau of Economic Research on college enrollment and completion trends by income and gender.
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2008 U.S. Justice Department meta-analysis reviewing the results of 18 research projects and studies on the relationship between crime reduction and citizen policing programs.
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2009 paper published in the American Sociological Association on links between historical lynching and contemporary hate crimes.
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2009 study in the journal Criminology on the racial makeup of neighborhoods and trends in racial profiling.
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2011 reports from the U.S. Department of Justice with census of imprisoned and paroled persons.
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2011 study from the Guttmacher Institute analyzes data from a survey of U.S. providers to give a snapshot of abortion rates in the United States and related trends.
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2011 paper in Human Rights Review on international efforts to address the problem of human trafficking.
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2012 report by the Manhattan Institute on the historical evolution in the racial segregation of neighborhoods in the United States.
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