Media use, face-to-face communication and social well-being among 8-to-12-year-old girls
2012 study from Standford University published in Developmental Psychology on ’tween girl digital media use and development.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topics of race and gender
2012 study from Standford University published in Developmental Psychology on ’tween girl digital media use and development.
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2012 examination of Census Bureau figures on poverty and aggregation of related resources for interpreting poverty data and policy.
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2011 study from Harvard University examining whether techniques used to raise scores in charter schools can be successfully transplanted to traditional public schools.
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2012 study in the Journal of Marriage and Family on the causes and effects of helicopter parenting .
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2012 study from the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication on women, blogging and feelings of empowerment.
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2012 study published in The New England Journal of Medicine on a range of long-lasting contraceptive options and their failure rates.
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2012 study for the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) on oral contraceptive use and later declines in the gender wage gap.
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2011 study published in Research in Sports Medicine on the severity of injuries in international women’s soccer games.
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2012 study in Social Science Quarterly on the importance that U.S. immigrants, particularly from Mexico and Latin America, placed on learning English
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2012 report by the Social Science Research Council on comparative well-being levels for women living in the metropolitan United States.
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