Political and judicial checks on corruption: Evidence from American state governments
2008 study in Economics & Politics on how the theory of the balance of powers plays out at the state level, and how partisan influence can change dynamics.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topic of politics, elections, and local and national governments
2008 study in Economics & Politics on how the theory of the balance of powers plays out at the state level, and how partisan influence can change dynamics.
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2011 study by Royal Holloway University and the University of Bristol on how real-time displays of audience response to a live debate can influence undecided voters.
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2010 study from Harvard and the University of Copenhagen about the relationship between rates of public corruption and available legal resources.
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2012 paper by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco for the National Bureau of Economic Research on the economic effects of spending on highway projects.
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2011 study from the University of Michigan on racial attitudes and perceptions in America immediately before and after Barack Obama’s election.
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2012 Pew Research survey looking at variation in citizen assessments of government at different levels, and partisan divides in the United States.
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2012 paper from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government about the dynamics of transparency and the geographical location of state capitals.
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2010 report from Harvard’s Ash Center for Democratic Governance on Indonesia’s economic, governmental and social progress since its adoption of democratic rule in 2000.
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Renewable energy information from the 2011 Congressional Research Service report, “U.S. Energy: Overview and Key Statistics.”
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2012 petroleum-related statistics from the Congressional Research Service, including production and consumption, with breakdowns for industrial and consumer use of oil.
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