Who doesn’t value English? Debunking myths about Mexican immigrants’ attitudes
2012 study in Social Science Quarterly on the importance that U.S. immigrants, particularly from Mexico and Latin America, placed on learning English
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topic of politics, elections, and local and national governments
2012 study in Social Science Quarterly on the importance that U.S. immigrants, particularly from Mexico and Latin America, placed on learning English
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2009 study from the National Graduate Institute of Policy Studies in World Development on how mobile technology can help farmers thrive.
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2011 study in Economic Inquiry on the effect of U.S. immigration policy on unauthorized immigrants from Mexico and subsequent economic impacts.
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2012 report by the Social Science Research Council on comparative well-being levels for women living in the metropolitan United States.
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2012 paper from Northwestern University in the Review of Economic Studies on the value of social networks for refugee job seekers in the United States.
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2012 study by the Pew Research Center on shifts in American political values, including politics, business, immigration and religion, from 1987-2012.
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2011 study from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York published in the Journal of Economic Geography on the dynamics between higher education and local economies.
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2011 study in the journal Papers in Regional Science on the benefits of having more self-employed people and small businesses in a region.
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2012 study by Indiana University-Purdue University published in Youth & Society on public housing, violence and drug use among adolescents.
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2011 UCLA study published in Work, Employment and Society on the nature of migration trends across the world during the global recession.
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