Al-Shabab, chaos in Somalia and international terrorism
2013 review of scholarship and think tank reports that provide key insights into Somali terror group Al-Shabab’s history, funding and internal politics.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topic of politics, elections, and local and national governments
2013 review of scholarship and think tank reports that provide key insights into Somali terror group Al-Shabab’s history, funding and internal politics.
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2013 research review on polarization in various areas of American life, including geographical location, social relationships and dating preferences.
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2013 selection of recent research on the possibility of a U.S. default on its debt and Congressional negotiations over raising the debt ceiling.
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2012 report from the Public Religion Research Institute on the cultural and political beliefs of white working-class Americans.
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2011 report by the Congressional Research Service on the details of a shutdown and the impact of the last such event, in 1995-1996
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2013 study in American Economic Review on how perceptions of security in Latin American countries influence trust in democratic institutions.
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2013 review of studies relevant to reporting and coverage of U.S. cities, including research on economics, environment, crime, health and demographics.
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2013 study in Oxford Economic Papers on the impact of terrorism on international investment and the potential offsetting effect of foreign aid.
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2013 roundup of recent studies and papers that bring a scholarly, data-driven lens to questions around the Arab Spring and its roots.
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2013 paper from Brown University on the origins, use and implications of funding infrastructure projects by securitizing projected increases in property tax receipts.
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