NAFTA: Reviewing the research
President Donald Trump has promised to renegotiate NAFTA. This review of research and data resources will help journalists writing about changes to the pact.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topic of politics, elections, and local and national governments
President Donald Trump has promised to renegotiate NAFTA. This review of research and data resources will help journalists writing about changes to the pact.
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Teenage immigrants have a harder time adjusting to their new country than young children. They attend fewer years of school and earn less money as adults, a new study finds.
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State supreme court judges who rely on public financing to fund their elections become less likely to favor attorneys who have donated to their campaigns in the past, a 2016 study suggests.
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Diabetes, heart disease and back pain are the priciest ailments in the United States, a new survey has found. And the cost of healthcare is rising far faster than inflation.
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Millions of Americans acquire their guns without undergoing a background check, but a new survey suggests the proportion may be falling.
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This tip sheet offers advice on how to find and understand housing market data from government and private sources.
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Politicians in developing democracies appear more likely to win reelection if they claim to have secured foreign aid, even if they had nothing to do with it.
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Government bans on lightweight plastic shopping bags have spread in recent years amid fears about plastic’s negative impact on the environment. But alternatives are not necessarily better.
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A study in the American Journal of Criminal Justice looks at where registered sex offenders live 15 years after arrest.
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People are unlikely to bet against their own preferences in sports or politics, new research suggests, even when such “emotional hedging” may be in their interest.
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