Research on the Confederate flag, divisive politics and enduring meanings
We present research that examines why some individuals vehemently support or condemn the Confederate flag and its role in American race relations.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topic of politics, elections, and local and national governments
We present research that examines why some individuals vehemently support or condemn the Confederate flag and its role in American race relations.
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The transfer of surplus military equipment to American police forces has divided communities. New research says it reduces crime.
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A new study suggests that paying teachers based on student test scores may hurt student performance in some subject areas. The issue: Historically, public school teacher salaries have been based
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Hispanics born in the United States often marry non-Hispanics, new research suggests. Meanwhile, the vast majority of Hispanics who immigrate do not intermarry.
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When your city or state needs cash for infrastructure, it probably issues a municipal bond. We explain how “munis” work.
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Some immigrant groups in the U.S. seem to be more successful than others. A new paper looks at how country of origin correlates with measures of personal success.
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A new paper examines “victimization by proxy” and finds European-born Muslims more likely than their immigrant parents to endorse radical ideology or violence.
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Members of Congress with the most extreme political views receive more attention from print media than moderate members, a new study suggests. Meanwhile, far-right Republicans get more coverage than far-left Democrats.
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Do private prisons save money? At what cost to inmates and society? We review the research on a host of related policy questions.
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Almost everyone has a smartphone. They can be distracting. But new research shows they may also impair our ability to think straight even when we’re not using them.
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