The short- and long-term effects of a U.S. government shutdown
Studies on the effects of the 2013 U.S. government shutdown, including changes in short-term spending habits and crime rates.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topic of politics, elections, and local and national governments
Studies on the effects of the 2013 U.S. government shutdown, including changes in short-term spending habits and crime rates.
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Cancer incidence and mortality rates are on the decline in the U.S., but not for everyone. Socioeconomic disparities are widening.
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We’ve summarized scholarship on adolescent vaping, such as work examining its prevalence and perceived risks, in this research roundup.
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Reminding parents how many days of school their kids have missed and the importance of regular attendance may be a simple, low-cost way to help curb absenteeism in elementary schools, a study suggests.
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The 10 research roundups our readers visited most often in 2018 focus on topics ranging from fake news and school uniforms to the Supreme Court and Olympic games.
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“The big takeaway is that it’s actually good to speak up in defense of the profession,” said lead author Ray Pingree.
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Journalist’s Resource spoke to POLITICO’s health care editor, Joanne Kenen, to clarify common areas of confusion in health care reporting.
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Employees who work in hot conditions are not as productive and can suffer from kidney injury, dehydration and other health problems, according to a new review.
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In this piece we wrote for Nieman Lab, we spotlight five studies on topics such as how Twitter affects journalists’ news judgment and how often we remember where we read a news story.
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After local newspapers close, political polarization among voters increases, according to new research in the Journal of Communication.
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