3 great back-to-school story ideas (with research to get you started!)
Scrambling to find fresh angles for back-to-school stories? Here are three great story ideas with matching research to get you started.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topic of politics, elections, and local and national governments
Scrambling to find fresh angles for back-to-school stories? Here are three great story ideas with matching research to get you started.
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Researchers and physicians point to a growing body of peer-reviewed academic scholarship in support of gender-affirming medical treatment for transgender youth.
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In early August 2019, exchange rates between the yuan and the dollar crossed a 7-to-1 threshold that many media outlets called “psychologically important.” What does psychology have to do with international financial markets? A lot.
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Research finds a black man in the U.S. has a 1 in 1,000 chance of being killed by police during his lifetime — 2.5 times the odds for a white man. This contextual data can gird stories about people killed by police.
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Journalists report on complex and difficult topics, including natural disasters, political violence and human suffering. We’ve summarized studies that look at how occupational stress affects journalists’ mental health.
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One thing is clear from academic research on rural schools: closings and consolidations can drastically change the flavor of civic life in a rural community.
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A new paper out of the National Bureau of Economic Research finds that for each additional dollar in per capita tax revenue collected in 1870, a black politician was 25% more likely to experience violence.
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Two experts offer journalists tips to help them better understand and cover white supremacists and other far-right extremists.
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Researchers have documented and quantified the physical and mental health toll that immigrant children experience during and after detention.
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Patients seeking mental health care deal with hurdles such as incorrect phone numbers, month-long delays in scheduling appointments and psychiatrists who refuse to accept insurance.
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