Roller coaster of California state budgeting after Proposition 13
2006 study by California State University, Sacramento, on how state budgeting changed after the enactment of Proposition 13.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topic of politics, elections, and local and national governments
2006 study by California State University, Sacramento, on how state budgeting changed after the enactment of Proposition 13.
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2008 paper by the Valparaiso University School of Law on mortgage interest rates and the potential role of the FHA in providing mortgages to low-income home buyers.
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2008 study by the International Monetary Fund quantifying if and how different groups influence immigration policy.
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2008 study for the National Bureau of Economic Research on the effect of immigration on labor market outcomes for native elderly workers.
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2011 study from University of Pennsylvania and Stanford University on the potential consequences of early voting methods.
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2009 National Bureau of Economic Research paper on the relationship between early exposure to violence and later problems such as substance abuse and delinquency.
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2008 paper by the Widener University School of Law on approaches for realizing the potential benefits of energy efficiency in the United States.
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2007 meta-analysis by Amsterdam University of U.S. and international studies on transit stations’ effect on property values.
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2009 University of Texas metastudy on the cost, operational characteristics, and land-use impacts of different mass-transit technologies.
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2009 meta-analysis by the Institute of Medicine of 11 U.S. and European studies on the health effects of smoking bans.
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