The troubled U.S. Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
2008 study published in the Journal of Economic Perspectives on the factors that have hurt the U.S. pension-insurance corporation.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topic of politics, elections, and local and national governments
2008 study published in the Journal of Economic Perspectives on the factors that have hurt the U.S. pension-insurance corporation.
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2010 study by the World Bank and Laval University for the Cairo-based Economic Research Forum on development and economic challenges in the Arab world
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2011 study by the Migration Policy Institute on the state and local enforcement of the federal 287(g) section of the U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act.
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2011 study by researchers from Bucknell and UNC Chapel Hill on the varied political views of those who self-identify as “conservative.”
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2008 paper by researchers from Harvard, MIT and Northwestern University on the potential effect of climate change on nations’ economic growth.
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2010 metastudy by researchers from the University of Queensland on the findings from 35 different studies of speed cameras.
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2010 study from the Transit Cooperative Research Program on recent streetcar systems and their impact on development and land-use patterns.
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2006 Princeton University study on the relationship between growing income inequality and increasing political divisions in the United States.
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2010 study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and others on HIV/AIDS trends and ways to improve prevention and treatment programs.
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2010 study by Nature Conservancy Center for Science and Public Policy on depletion across 18 Arizona watersheds and possible mitigation strategies.
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