Riding the waves of money: Contribution dynamics in the 2008 presidential nomination campaign
2011 study in the Journal of Political Marketing looks at patterns of fundraising during the presidential primaries in 2008.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topic of politics, elections, and local and national governments
2011 study in the Journal of Political Marketing looks at patterns of fundraising during the presidential primaries in 2008.
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2010 study on evangelical Republican and Democratic voting behaviors in 2008 Iowa caucuses.
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2010 study in the American Political Science Review on the variables that can affect public views on issues over time.
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2010 study in Political Behavior on why pre-election polls in contests involving female candidates often do not accurately predict actual election outcomes.
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2010 study in Political Behavior examines how voters respond to hypothetical sex scandals involving a white and black candidate.
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2011 study from the University of Melbourne in the Journal of African Economies on the conditions that affect the efficacy of foreign aid.
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2011 article by the NYU Brennan Center for Justice on the potential impacts of voting-law changes on the 2012 election.
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2010 study from Duke University in PS: Political Science on the dynamics of the U.S. presidential nominating system.
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2011 study published in PLoS One on the relationship between global warming, coffee production and the proliferation of invasive species in East Africa.
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2011 World Bank paper on a new theory of economic development emphasizing both industrial improvements and country-specific flexibility.
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