Voting problems, polling places and the private act of voting
2011 study from the CalTech and MIT Voting Technology Project in Public Opinion Quarterly on security and privacy in polling places.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topic of politics, elections, and local and national governments
2011 study from the CalTech and MIT Voting Technology Project in Public Opinion Quarterly on security and privacy in polling places.
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2010 study from the University of Wisconsin on how hard-fought presidential primaries unfold and their implications for the general election.
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2011 study from the University of Chicago on news consumers and content selection, highlighting the different levels of polarization in various contexts.
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2009 paper in Presidential Election Studies on the allocation of campaign resources and correlations with available state delegates.
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2011 study from Columbia University on how a psychological theory can help better interpret presidential campaign decisions.
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2011 study in the New England Journal of Medicine on the type of neighborhood in which an individual lives and health outcomes.
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2011 study from Political Research Quarterly on the pressures faced by trailing contenders for presidential nominations to leave the race.
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2009 study in PNAS on diversity in developing economies and corresponding potential for growth, based on products produced and their global context.
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2009 study by Harvard University and Finland’s VTT Technical Research Centre on the overall global potential for wind-generated power.
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2011 study by University of Gothenburg in Journal of African Economies on Zambia’s structural economic changes.
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