Exposure to anti-drug advertising and drug-related beliefs and behaviors among U.S. youth
2011 study published in the journal Addictive Behaviors on anti-drug television advertising and self-reported drug use in teenagers.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topic of politics, elections, and local and national governments
2011 study published in the journal Addictive Behaviors on anti-drug television advertising and self-reported drug use in teenagers.
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2010 study from Dartmouth College published in Politics & Genderon the different effects negative campaigns have on men and women.
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2011 study from MIT for the National Bureau of Economic Research on the effectiveness of urban and non-urban charter schools on raising student achievement levels.
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2012 longitudinal study from Stanford University on public opinion and financial crises.
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2008 U.S. Justice Department meta-analysis reviewing the results of 18 research projects and studies on the relationship between crime reduction and citizen policing programs.
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2009 paper published in the American Sociological Association on links between historical lynching and contemporary hate crimes.
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2009 study in the journal Criminology on the racial makeup of neighborhoods and trends in racial profiling.
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2012 study published in American Politics Research on how the health care reform roll-call vote may have hurt Democrats.
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2012 study from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on the effects of social networks in the 2011 uprising in Egypt.
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2012 study by the University of Toronto on the relationship between the skills used in a job and the salary for that job in a city of a given size.
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