The politicization of science: A study of public trust in the United States, 1974-2010
2012 study in the American Sociological Review on trends relating to partisan affiliation and trust in science.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topic of politics, elections, and local and national governments
2012 study in the American Sociological Review on trends relating to partisan affiliation and trust in science.
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2012 report from the federal government on the solvency and long-term forecasts of entitlement programs in the United States.
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2012 study from the RAND Corporation in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine on youth obesity and access to healthy food sources.
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2012 study by Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet & Society on Russia’s relative Internet freedom.
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2011 paper by Clemson University and College of Charleston on the impact of casinos on retail property values in Detroit, Michigan.
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2011 paper published in Real Estate Economics on subprime and non-traditional mortgages, home prices and default rates.
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2012 report by the Congressional Research Service on the current status of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) in central Africa and U.S. deployment to that region.
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2012 study in the Journal of Communication about the relationship between Internet use and the development of greater democracy in Asia and Africa.
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2011 study in Review of World Economics analyzing the case of Ghana to see how countries might avoid the so-called resource curse.
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2012 Congressional Research Service report summaries the admissions figures, details and history related to U.S. refugee policy.
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