Facebook and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act
2011 study published in the online journal First Monday on the online practices of 1,007 U.S. households with children, including age of initial registration and parental knowledge.
Research roundups, articles, explainers and tip sheets about how journalists report the news and how audiences consume it
2011 study published in the online journal First Monday on the online practices of 1,007 U.S. households with children, including age of initial registration and parental knowledge.
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2011 paper from the University of Oxford published in the Economic Journal on the significance of page rankings in Internet search results.
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2011 study by Tufts University researchers of an ideologically diverse group of news sources to better understand the use of “outrage discourse.”
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2011 study published in Political Communication on Internet use in China increases political engagement and the development of political opinions.
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2011 study in the American Political Science Review on the influence political party elites hold over public perception of policy positions.
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2011 report by the United Kingdom’s Energy Saving Trust on trends in home power consumption, future trends and consumer attitudes
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2011 paper by researchers from Boston University and Harvard on Groupon and LivingSocial operations and the extent of merchant benefits.
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2010 study in Information, Communication and Society on youth behaviors on social networking sites and implications for academic performance.
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Papers and reports on emerging issues relating to technology and telecommunications, monopoly, and legal intervention
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2011 study in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior on how different modes of communication impact neural stress and attachment responses.
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