“Sexting” by high school students: An exploratory and descriptive study
2012 study in Archives of Sexual Behavior looking at the extent of the phenomenon among young people of texting revealing images to each other.
Research roundups, articles, explainers and tip sheets about how journalists report the news and how audiences consume it
2012 study in Archives of Sexual Behavior looking at the extent of the phenomenon among young people of texting revealing images to each other.
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2012 survey from the Pew Internet and American Life Project investigating the extent to which cell phones are being used for online activities
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2012 study in Political Communication on political public relations effects, journalists’ response, and the press coverage that results.
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2012 study in Computers & Education on how Facebook and instant messaging can hurt college students’ grades.
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2012 study by Duke, Penn State and Colby on how skilled video game players are not necessarily better multitaskers.
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2012 study in Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly on different reader responses to narrative stories versus policy stories, and the relative benefits of narrative stories.
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2012 interview with George Washington assistant professor David Karpf about the changing patterns of Internet-based activism in America.
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2009 study from the National Graduate Institute of Policy Studies in World Development on how mobile technology can help farmers thrive.
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2011 study by the University of California-Los Angeles in Developmental Psychology on tween values and media engagement.
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2012 study by MIT, Yale and the University of California, Berkeley, in Political Analysis on social science research participants on the Internet.
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