Nutrition menu labels may lead to lower-calorie children’s restaurant meals
2010 study looking at the potential effects on children’s diet of putting nutrition information on fast food items.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to health, health care and health equity
2010 study looking at the potential effects on children’s diet of putting nutrition information on fast food items.
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2009 paper in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes examining the relationship between Medicare spending and outcomes for patients with heart failures
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2010 paper by Columbia University and City College researchers on the impact of smoking and obesity on mortality and disease.
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2012 Yale University and Washington University of St. Louis study on the cost-effectiveness of three types of peer-intervention methods.
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2009 Tufts University study on the relationship between household tobacco use and child nutrition in the developing world.
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2010 Cornell University study done for the National Bureau of Economic Research on the effect of health insurance on trends in income inequality.
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2010 RAND Corporation study on the cost of medical care attributed to California’s failure to meet federal clean air standards.
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2007 paper in the Journal of Experimental Criminology on the effectiveness of incarceration-based drug treatment in reducing drug relapse and recidivism.
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2008 University of California, San Francisco, study on the causes behind the high rate of dental care among the state’s Latino children.
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2009 meta-analysis by the Institute of Medicine of 11 U.S. and European studies on the health effects of smoking bans.
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