How does your kindergarten classroom affect your earnings?
2010 study from Harvard, Northwestern, and the University of California, Berkeley, researchers on the potential long-term effects of high-quality early education.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topic of education
2010 study from Harvard, Northwestern, and the University of California, Berkeley, researchers on the potential long-term effects of high-quality early education.
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2010 report from the National Center on Performance Incentives at Vanderbilt University on the impact of educator merit pay on students’ performance in mathematics.
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2010 study by Northwestern University on the potential larger effects of early music training on the brain’s development, including linguistic abilities.
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2010 University of Wisconsin study on the results of mandatory financial education among very low-income families in a subsidized housing program.
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2010 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine on the effects of a school-based program addressing risk factors for diabetes and obesity.
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2010 paper in the Journal of Economic Perspectives on how the disparity in men’s and women’s math and verbal test scores might be explained by state or regional differences.
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2009 Duke University and the University of Maryland study looking at school characteristics that influence the level of crime.
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2010 paper in American Journal of Political Science examining the possible link between education levels and voter turnout.
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2009 study by the W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research on effectiveness of workplace literacy training in 10 sites throughout Indiana.
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2006 University of Santa Clara study on the effectiveness of New York City’s Employment Services and Placement job training program for welfare recipients.
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